Copper Falls Mine and Quite a S.T.E.V.E.
Our hiking group ventured to the site of the Copper Falls Mine this past Sunday. According to several sources, this mine was initiated in 1846 and ceased operation in 1901. Before exploring the mine site, we hiked uphill to a rock outcropping above the mine that afforded a panoramic view of Lake Superior.
We backtracked from the outcropping and headed eastward into the mine site where we came across what appeared to be a cap on a shaft with a cage that allow the passage of bats in and out of the mine.
We also passed a location where a stope had been sealed.
We explored the portion of the site where what appeared to be the foundations of the boiler or hoist houses. An indicator of this mine’s pre-1900 operation can be found in the absence of mortar between the rocks in the foundations. Since cement was not available in the region in those early years, the mortar used has completely dissolved making it look like the foundations were merely stacked rocks.
We also explored some of the many poor rock piles found at the mine site.
We completed the hike by taking in another panoramic view of Lake Superior from another outcropping adjoining the mine site.
The conditions were perfect for easily discerning the appearance of Isle Royale on the distant horizon with the zoom lens!
Here is the Strava map from the hike:
You can check out my GoPro video from this hike on the Remote Workforce Keweenaw YouTube channel at this link:
That night we happened to catch an aurora alert on Twitter and went down to the lake to take in this view of the northern lights.
As that show to the north wrapped a column started to appear in the eastern sky to the south of true east.
This phenomena know as a S.T.E.V.E (a strong thermal emission velocity enhancement) grew and spanned the entire sky from east to west!
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