Fire in the Sky 2!
When I left you last time the northern lights were coming up as darkness was falling in the Keweenaw. It started out with a nice mellow glow to the north. I captured this shot on our waterfront while heating the sauna for our incoming Airbnb guests.
Things got really interesting around 10:30 p.m. as a STEVE (a Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement) formed from horizon to horizon, west to east.
A curtain of purple formed on the northwestern end of it.
Suddenly, the portion of the STEVE overhead broke down into an amazing display of color!
I put together a couple of reels if you would like some musical accompaniment to the display on Instagram at
and on the Remote Workforce Keweenaw YouTube Channel at
I finally called it quits at 12:30 a.m. recognizing that I needed to get up early enough on Friday to put in a swim. I did manage to roll out of bed and got over to MTU to swim 2,500 yards. I then headed over to the old ice rink on Hancock Street in Chassell where a group of us (Craig Austin and Cole Smith from the Chassell DPW, Steve Spahn and Brian Waters from the Planning Commission, and Dan Palosaari from DP Construction) examined the old warming shack as a potential location for the Chassell Ski Trail grooming equipment.
It was feared that the building might have been full of sand due to the 2018 Fathers Day flood, but we were pleasantly surprised to find that was not the case. Even the wonky old roof was keeping moisture at bay. With Jim Tervo on the phone we determined that the building will be big enough to house the Gator with its tracks on with the Ginzu connected as well as the snowmobile. Dan is going to provide us an estimate to install garage doors on each end of the building so the equipment can be pulled right through.
With a location worked out for storage of the equipment, we are now focused on retrofitting the building and figuring out who will do the grooming. If you have an interest in getting involved, please reach out to me!
Do you embrace winter and have the ability to work remotely? Consider locating in the Keweenaw where you will find ubiquitous natural beauty, no congestion, and lower crime! Not sure? Come UP for a workcation to check it out! Learn how at Visit Keweenaw at Visit Remote Workforce Keweenaw at Learn about those making the decision to locate here by following the Remote Workforce Keweenaw Facebook page at