Local Hiking
Chassell Historical Organization, Chassell Township, Chassell Lions Club, and Finnish Council of America business and meetings kept us close to home this past week which required us to keep our hiking close as well. Fortunately, there are plenty of great local options and I will touch on three of those in today’s post.
Monday was focused on catching up on business at home and staying cool as the temperature very uncharacteristically hit triple digits!
Tuesday provided a great example of mixing in a local hike. We started the morning with the rest of the Chassell Historical Organization Board of Directors performing the spring cleaning at the Heritage Center to ready it for the 2022 summer season. With a commitment at 5:30 p.m. to be at the Keweenaw Co-op’s investor information session, we drove up to the Houghton County Fairgrounds in Hancock and took an afternoon hike into the Swedetown Creek Gorge at Maasto Hiihto.
It is amazing you can be so close to town and be so quickly away from everything! Most importantly, you can return for your commitments just as fast!
Wednesday was a lawn work day in preparation for our next Airbnb guests ahead of the evening’s Lions Club meeting at the Centennial Park pavilion. With the Lions Club meeting trumping the Keweenaw Running Group run, I needed to shoehorn in my Wednesday run between cutting grass and the meeting. The DNR rail-trail right outside our front door was just the ticket for maintaining fitness as a priority. I was able to slip in a four-mile out-and-back run with enough spare time for us to take in the Chassell Farmers Market ahead of the meeting!
With Finnish Council of America events on Thursday, followed by a final engineering discussion of the canoe/kayak launch selection at the Sturgeon River, and an all day Finnish Council meeting on Friday, we worked in a Thursday afternoon hike at the nearby Nara Nature Park and MTU Trails. Hiking along the Pilgrim River early in the hike we came across a large number of suckers hugging the bottom of the river in a large eddy. We saw several trout flash quickly through the crowd!
If you get on the single-track trails coming out of Nara and heading into the MTU trails, there are some really nice views over the Pilgrim River. We hiked out to the homestead loop where we made the turn to come back. One thing for sure that we noticed both on this hike and many of our recent hikes is the abundance of thimbleberry blooms this year. If we can keep getting timely rains, there could be quite a crop of berries this year!
You can see the GoPro video of this hike on the Remote Workforce Keweenaw YouTube channel at this link:
Do you embrace winter and have the ability to work remotely? Would you value living in a place with ubiquitous natural beauty that has no congestion? Consider locating in the Keweenaw where you will be surrounded by amazing places! Learn more by visiting the Remote Workforce Keweenaw webpage at https://remoteworkforcekeweenaw.com and learn about those who have made the decision to locate here by following the Remote Workforce Keweenaw Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/RemoteWorkforceKeweenaw