We took a break from boardwalk building this past Sunday and headed up to Lac La Belle with our hiking group to make the trek to the top of Mt. Bohemia. Historically, we have hiked the road to the top, but there is now a very well established trail that winds through the woods to the summit. Along the way this trail provides panoramic views of Lac La Belle, Deer and Gratiot Lakes, and Lake Superior.
It was a blustery day which meant the surf on Lake Superior was rough. As we would reach a point where we could see over Bete Grise to the southeast, we spotted two freighters taking refuge on this leeward side of the Keweenaw Peninsula.
There are some intense ski trails on this side of Mt. Bohemia. I got this shot of our group on the edge of one of these trails with Lac La Belle in the backgroud.
From here we made the final ascent to the top.
The view from the summit is outstanding. With a little help from the zoom feature on my phone’s camera, I was able to pick up the Huron Islands out on the distant horizon looking toward the south over Lake Superior.
You can see my GoPro video from the hike on the Remote Workforce Keweenaw YouTube channel at this link:
If you would like to learn more about Mt. Bohemia, check out this link at Visit Keweenaw: https://www.visitkeweenaw.com/outdoors/winter-activities/mount-bohemia/
After putting in a 2,000 yard swim at MTU on Monday morning, the weather would not disappoint for continuing work on the boardwalk as Mark, Wolf, Jim, Doug, Stan, Dave, Jon, Connie, and I would spend over five hours nearly completing the 96-foot structure on Trail 17 at Maasto Hiihto.
The final joists would be put in place, Dave completed the decking connection at the bend by the cedar, the deck boards would be set in place, and then we started driving screws with our impacts.
We went as far as our materials would allow us to go. We ended up running out of deck boards and nails. We would need more 2 x 6s anyway for the side rails. Finishing up the decking, the side rails, and bringing in the fill to provide for the transition from the trail onto the boardwalk would need to wait for our next work session. A big thanks to Connie for bringing snacks and to Julie for running over to the hospital to pick up BBQ chicken for lunch!
Monday evening would involve a Chassell Historical Organization board meeting where a lot of the focus was on wrapping up our next newsletter and discussing our role with the upcoming Chassell Old Fashioned Christmas.
With rain on Tuesday, boardwalk work would be pushed to Wednesday which gave me the opportunity to knock out the minutes for that evening’s Hancock Trails Club board meeting.
Do you embrace winter and have the ability to work remotely? Consider locating in the Keweenaw where you will find ubiquitous natural beauty, no congestion, and lower crime! Not sure? Come UP for a workcation to check it out! Learn how at Visit Keweenaw at https://www.visitkeweenaw.com/plan/trip-ideas-itineraries/workcations/ Visit Remote Workforce Keweenaw at https://remoteworkforcekeweenaw.com. Learn about those making the decision to locate here by following the Remote Workforce Keweenaw Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/RemoteWorkforceKeweenaw.
That is quite a bridge!
I love the views of Lake superior on your hike too. We got about 6 inches of heavy wet snow here where I live but it’ll probably be all melted in a few days. Ugh. I am hoping to get out to do some cross country skiing next weekend, but I may need to travel up to the Adirondacks.