This past Monday would start out with a 2,500-yard swim at MTU. I would spend Monday catching up on Remote Workforce Keweenaw and township related activities as well as working on details related to our upcoming adventure.
With snow overnight into Tuesday, Jim Vaught and I would be out to groom the Chassell Classic Ski Trail.
We have an impressive amount of snow on the trails this winter as we have continued to receive timely lake-effect snows. The quality of the snow on this day would be amazing creating a perfect balance between glide and grip. I did not hesitate to get out for a ski to enjoy our handiwork!
You can watch my GoPro take from this ski on the Remote Workforce Keweenaw YouTube channel at this link:
Tuesday evening I would speak with journalist Michelle Miron about the Remote Workforce Keweenaw initiative for an upcoming story in UPWord. I would also help coordinate conversations for her with some of the Keweenaw’s remote workers.
Wednesday would start with a 2,500 yard swim at MTU. I would receive word from Industrial Graphics that the signs for the new bridge over Swedetown Creek at Maasto Hiihto had been completed. After picking them up, I would go over to our friend Mark’s place and snowshoe with him out to where he stores the Hancock Trails Club’s lumber supply where we would find a perfect combination of 4 x 4s to which the signs could be attached.
I would then drive to Maasto Hiihto and snowshoe the completed sign to the bridge.
I would like to give a shout out of thanks to my Finnish cousins Reijo, Raija, and Sinikka for their help brainstorming an appropriate Finnish name for the bridge and to Chris Schmidt with Studio 13 who designed the sign. You can get a better feel for this winter scene at this video that I have posted on the Remote Workforce Keweenaw Pinterest boards at this link:
Wednesday evening we would meet up with the Keweenaw Running Group for the annual run/walk through the MTU Winter Carnival All-Nighter. This year I would walk it instead of run with Julie and our friends John, Cheryl, and Jan.
With a blizzard forecasted to start at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, I decided it might be a good time to shovel the over one-foot of snow from the roof that accumulated since my second roof shoveling.
I would knock out the shoveling in a couple of hours in time to grab lunch and then sit in on a Michigan Department of Natural Resources webinar on 2025 recreation grants. The blizzard did come in as forecasted with near 60 mph winds moving the snow horizontally. The conditions were such that our Planning Commission Chair Brian Waters and I made the decision to postpone that evening’s planning commission meeting until next month.
The wind abated overnight into the 20 mph range so Julie and I drove over to MTU to get in our Friday morning swim. With my 2,500 yard swim behind me, my focus would turn to grooming the Chassell Classic Ski Trail. Steve Spahn and I would employ a roll first strategy suggested by Jim Tervo which turned out to be spot on given all the drifting we encountered on the trails. The most challenging spot involved getting out to shovel the three-foot drifts below.
The sun would come out during the course of our rolling and cast beautiful shadows which made the scene of snow-painted trees even more amazing. Even with all the snow and two full passes, this effort only required two hours to complete.
Do you embrace winter and have the ability to work remotely? Consider locating in the Keweenaw where you will find ubiquitous natural beauty, no congestion, and lower crime! Not sure? Come UP for a workcation to check it out! Learn how at Visit Keweenaw at Visit Remote Workforce Keweenaw at Learn about those making the decision to locate here by following the Remote Workforce Keweenaw Facebook page at
That last photo with the stripe-y shadows of the trees is amazing!