Point Abbaye, More Trail 17 Work, and Estivant Pines
When I left you last time Julie and I were hiking at Point Abbaye last Friday and had just reached its tip looking out over Lake Superior toward the Huron Islands. We then followed the point’s east shore which forms the western side of Huron Bay. The west side of the Point Abbaye peninsula slopes up gently from the lake. Conversely, the uplifted geology on the east side makes an abrupt stop at the lake’s edge.
Looking southeasterly the Huron Mountains rise on the distant horizon.
You can see photo collage from this hike at this link to Instagram or a GoPro Quik app take on the hike at this link to the Remote Workforce Keweenaw YouTube channel:
Saturday morning I would spend three and a half hours working on the Trail 17 bridge and boardwalk project at Maasto Hiihto. Fellow Hancock Trails Club board member Mark Klein and I would move a good number of 2 x 12s into position which will form the joists to the boardwalk.
The swamp pans would also be moved into position. Below, Hancock remote worker and Hancock Trails Club board member Eric Watkins carries swamp pans into position along the area where the boardwalk will be constructed. The swamp pans will rest on top of the wetland and will hold the 6 x 6 posts to which the joists will be connected.
The team would then get into the messy work of installing the first two 6 x 6 posts for the boardwalk coming away from the bridge over Swedetown Creek.
On Sunday our hiking group would be heading up to hike at the Copper Falls Mine site. Since that hike involves a lot of uphill and downhill hiking, Julie and I would drive up to Copper Harbor along with our friend Sue to go for a hike at Estivant Pines. The last ten miles of the drive on US 41 into Copper Harbor was a little past peak, but still stunningly beautiful.
The Estivant Pines preserve protects a grove of 300 to 500 year old eastern white pine which can be particularly beautiful during the fall because of the intermix of old-growth maples. We would not be disappointed by our decision to hike there.
More from our Estivant Pines hike next time!
Hey, my sister and brother-in-law are selling their house in Chassell across from Centennial Park. They bought it for my nephew to live in while he was going to Michigan Tech. They are builders downstate and made a large number of improvements to the house which only had one owner before they acquired it. Here is a link to information about it: https://my.flexmls.com/kimberlymcintyre/search/shared_links/BCjjL/listings/20240802150150744741000000
Do you embrace winter and have the ability to work remotely? Consider locating in the Keweenaw where you will find ubiquitous natural beauty, no congestion, and lower crime! Not sure? Come UP for a workcation to check it out! Learn how at Visit Keweenaw at https://www.visitkeweenaw.com/plan/trip-ideas-itineraries/workcations/ Visit Remote Workforce Keweenaw at https://remoteworkforcekeweenaw.com. Learn about those making the decision to locate here by following the Remote Workforce Keweenaw Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/RemoteWorkforceKeweenaw.