Sleepy River Hike
With more family about to come into town, we squeezed in a couple of awesome hikes ahead of their arrival. The first hike was on one of our favorite segments of the North Country Trail to the east of the Canyon Falls roadside park. During summer the parking lot here is nearly always full, but 99% of the traffic is headed toward the falls and probably less than the balance ventures off to the east. This portion of the NCT offers beautiful views next to the river as well as from higher points above it. You will find yourself wading through chest high ferns and marveling at thick-trunked white cedars.
A favorite place of ours along this hike is a spot known as Flat Rock where a substantial slate outcropping has been smoothed by the river creating a really nice rock slab beach and an awesome riffle for floating one’s self in the river.
You can see the GoPro video from this 5.7 mile hike on the Remote Workforce Keweenaw YouTube channel at this link:
The next day I worked in a warm, high humidity 10k on the rail-trail.
To close out the weekend we headed out with our hiking group on an adventure led by Steve Jurmu (aka Yooper Steve at where we followed gravel roads, two-tracks, and then a bushwhack to the Sleepy River where we waded over a sandstone-based streambed and waterfalls.
You can see my GoPro video from this 5.8 mile hike on the Remote Workforce Keweenaw YouTube channel at this link:
Would you value living in a place with ubiquitous natural beauty that has NO congestion and lower crime? If you embrace winter and have the ability to work remotely, consider locating in the Keweenaw where you will be surrounded by amazing places like these! Learn more by visiting Remote Workforce Keweenaw at and by following