Voodoo Mountain
Last Saturday we continued our North Country Trail focus with our third consecutive day on the trail. This time we accessed the trail from the Baraga Plains Road and hiked to the Plumbago Creek Bridge. I had an interesting experience here a year ago May while doing work work on the bridge as part of a group of North Country Trail volunteers. While tightening screws on swamp plates we installed on the bridge, a ruffed grouse flew in and landed on my back for several minutes. It was there long enough for me to snap some selfies and even the video at the link below!
Video link: https://youtube.com/shorts/NYHWCH9vGt0?feature=share
This is a very well kept segment of the trail. You will find a lot of ferns initially which lead into a dense corridor of evergreens which is among my favorite places in the Peter Wolfe Chapter!
After hiking along Plumbago Creek for some through a nice evergreen forest, the bridge is reached after less than two miles on the NCT. At Plumbago Creek we spent some time examining planks that would be requiring replacement and checked out the log book to see what hikers had signed in.
We continued our hike to the powerlines and doubled back from there. We saw quite a variety of mushrooms along the way as well as the presence of bear scat!
You can see my GoPro video from this hike at the following link to the Remote Workforce Keweenaw YouTube channel:
On Sunday we hiked to the top of Voodoo Mountain with our hiking group. The thimbleberries were ripe and I picked three cups of them along the way.
It turned out to be an awesome day! Mild temperatures made for a very comfortable hike to the top and clear skies made Lake Superior pop with a very dark blue!
You can see my GoPro video from the hike at this link to the Remote Workforce Keweenaw YouTube channel:
Do you embrace winter and have the ability to work remotely? Would you value living in a place with ubiquitous natural beauty that has NO congestion and lower crime? Consider locating in the Keweenaw where you will be surrounded by amazing places! Learn more by visiting Remote Workforce Keweenaw at https://remoteworkforcekeweenaw.com and learn about those making the decision to locate here by following the Remote Workforce Keweenaw Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/RemoteWorkforceKeweenaw.